Category Archives: Dynamics-CRM

Global customer list and customer search

This update is intended for administrators and supervisors.

When you open the customer list in the workspace of the company or a user group, the customers from the corresponding user accounts are loaded and displayed in a common list.

Note: Company-wide access to customers is only available if the company account has a maximum of 50 user accounts. If you have more users, use the workspaces of user groups with a maximum of 50 users to access customers across users.

In the global customer list, almost all the functions you already know from the customer list of a single user are available, e.g. quick search, extended search, saved searches, map view, selection mode and mass editing.

Specifics and differences:

  • The right column additionally shows the name of the user in whose account the customer resides.
  • If you now open the customer detail page, portatour® will automatically switch to the workspace of the user in question. The back button takes you back to the company workspace.
  • It is not possible to create a new customer in the company workspace. Switch to the workspace of the user where the customer will reside to create the customer there.
  • Filters for users and user groups are available in the extended search.

Note: The customer list represents a maximum of the first 3,000 entries. If necessary, use the search or sort function if the desired customers are not present in it.

Displaying customers of multiple users on the map at the same time

This update is intended for administrators and supervisors.

Previously, you could only display the customers of a single user on the map. As of now this is possible for customers of multiple users at the same time.

Proceed as follows:

  • Switch to the workspace of the company or a specific user group.
  • In the main menu, click Customers.
  • Optional: use the search function to filter customers.
  • Click the map icon above the customer list.

To color customers by user, click the cogwheel and change Color to User – Name.

This will provide you a good overview of the territories.

Note: This may take a few seconds to display depending on the number of customers, the performance of your device and your internet bandwidth.

To hide a user’s customers completely, click the eye symbol next to the user in the legend window. Clicking again will display those customers again.

Clicking a customer icon on the map displays the user in question in the information bubble at the bottom. Opening the customer detail view automatically switches to the user’s workspace.

Tip for manual territory splitting: The selection mode in combination with the lasso and mass editing can be used, for example, to transfer the customers of several users to one specific user in the event of overlapping territories. Be careful though, especially if you have configured automated data exchange via the portatour® API.

Mass editing multiple users’ customers in a single step

This update is intended for administrators and supervisors.

Previously, you could only edit the customers of one single user at a time. As of now, it is possible to edit the customers of several users at the same time in a single step.

Important Note: Perform such mass edits only when necessary and very carefully. If the data of many users is affected, large data loss or significant recovery effort may result from erroneous mass edits.

Proceed as follows:

  • Switch to the workspace of the company or a specific user group.
  • In the main menu, click Customers.
  • To filter the customers you wish to edit, use the Extended Search.
  • Review the list and ensure that these are the actual customers you wish to edit.
  • Click the Edit all X button at the end of the list. The mass editing window opens.

  • The number of affected customer records and the number of affected users are displayed. Check this carefully! Proceed only if these numbers are plausible!
  • Perform the desired mass edit.
  • Depending on the number of customers and users affected, the process may take several seconds. A restore point is created in each of the affected user accounts.

New Maps January 2022

Today we have updated the map data and traffic flow data on our servers.

Changes in the road network and driving speeds may affect driving times between customers, so we recalculated them for you in portatour®. Some users might notice the change when updating the schedule next time.

In addition, when displaying maps in portatour®, the loading times might take a little longer since the map details need to be downloaded to your device again.

New Maps July 2021

Today we have updated the map data and traffic flow data on our servers.

Changes in the road network and driving speeds may affect driving times between customers, so we recalculated them for you in portatour®. Some users might notice the change when updating the schedule next time.

In addition, when displaying maps in portatour®, the loading times might take a little longer since the map details need to be downloaded to your device again.

Display of and allowance for road closures

portatour® is now aware of current road closures and automatically takes them into account when calculating schedules. As such, necessary detours are taken into consideration when planning driving times. There is no need to change any settings in portatour®.

To display current road closures, proceed as follows:

  • Open the map.
  • In the top right corner, click the cogwheel icon.
  • Set the “Traffic” selection box to “Traffic: Road closures only”.

Road closures are displayed in black and marked with the following symbol:

Zoom in on the map to see closures on smaller roads.

portatour® updates the road closures once a week, usually on Saturdays. When doing so, portatour® also loads and takes into account future road closures expected for the coming week. This is helpful since as a user, your schedules are calculated into the future.

Display of probability of congestion on the map

For several years now, portatour® has been using historical speed data for the calculation of driving times. This data is collected by navigation systems and mobile phone providers by measuring the movement data of millions of road users and is provided for respective road sections. Road sections where the traffic flow data often shows congestion or slow traffic are either avoided or planned with longer travel times when calculating schedules. Traffic flow data is updated in portatour® on a quarterly basis.

What’s new with this update is that you can now display the affected street segments as follows:

  • Open the map.
  • In the top right corner, click the cogwheel icon.
  • Set the “Traffic” selection box to “Traffic: Typical for work days”.

Roads that are shown in red have a high probability of congestion on work days and are therefore evaluated judiciously when planning travel times.

Reminder: In the Options under “Driving Speed” you can further influence driving time. More about this in the online help.

Days off in the portatour® Report

In the “Call Reports” section, if there are any appointments, they are displayed for days where no report exists. This is especially useful for days off (vacation, holiday, etc.), as there is no longer any need to create an extra report for such days, provided that there is already an appointment on that day.

New Maps February 2021

Today we have updated the map data and traffic flow data on our servers.

Changes in the road network and driving speeds may affect driving times between customers, so we recalculated them for you in portatour®. Some users might notice the change when updating the schedule next time.

In addition, when displaying maps in portatour®, the loading times might take a little longer since the map details need to be downloaded to your device again.

December 2020 Update

Shortly before Christmas we published a minor update for portatour®. Below you will find a description of the new features.

Map: More colors for displaying customers

It was already possible to color customers on the map not only according to urgency, but also according to other criteria, e.g. industry.

As a reminder, here’s how to proceed:

  • In the main menu, click Customers.
  • Click the map icon.
  • In the top right corner, click the cogwheel icon.
  • In the color selection box, select the desired criterion according to which you want to set the colors.

The assignment of colors to the different crtieria occurs automatically, whereby the limit was previously 5 colors. With this update, the color palette has now been extended to 20 colors. Here is an example:

Map: Hide customers by color

Regardless of which criterion you used to color the customers on the map, you can now hide or show all customers of the same color with a single click.

This is useful if you want to focus on individual colors on the map and avoid them being concealed by others.

Proceed as follows:

  • If the legend with the color overview is not yet open, click the legend icon at the bottom right.
  • To hide or show the customers of a certain color, click the eye icon to the right. The icon toggles between gray and blue.
  • To hide or show all customers, use the eye icon in the all row.

Edit customer reference of appointments and tasks

To edit the customer reference of an appointment or task retroactively, open the edit window. The current customer reference is displayed at the top.

Click the pencil icon to create, change or delete a customer reference. When changing the customer reference, the subject and address of the appointment can also be updated, if desired.

Typical use cases:

  • The appointment was imported and does not have a customer reference yet.
  • The appointment was mistakenly assigned to the wrong customer when it was created.

Note: If portatour® is connected to data sources in Salesforce, Dynamics CRM or Veeva CRM, the customer reference cannot be edited retroactively. Make the change in the source system or delete the appointment and recreate it with the correct customer reference.

New filters in the extended customer search

The following filters have been added to the extended customer search:

  • Call block: not blocked today
  • In “My Places”: any| no | yes
  • Accommodation : any | no | yes