Dynamic fields in call report

This news concerns company accounts of at least two users.

Have you ever wished that different fields would be queried when entering call reports for different customers? For example, the customer’s industry, the ABC classification, or the geographical region could play a role in what data should be collected during the call.

With portatour®, this is now possible.

As an administrator, do the following when setting up a new dynamic field group:

  1. At the customer list, create a filter using the extended search. The filter should include those customers for whom specific fields should be displayed when entering reports.
  2. Review the list to ensure that the right customers are in the list.
  3. Save the search organization-wide.
  4. In the organization options, open the management of custom fields for reports.
  5. Create a new field group.
  6. Set “Show for all customers” to “No”.
  7. For “Only show for”, select the previously created saved search.
  8. Create the fields within this field group.
  9. Save.

The change is immediately active for all users: If a customer matches the filter of the saved search at the time the report is entered, the dynamic field group is displayed. Otherwise, it is not visible.

Notes on dynamic field groups:

  • If fields from dynamic field groups are filled in in a report, these entries are retained in the report in any case, even if the customer no longer matches the corresponding filter later on.
  • Dynamic fields also work in offline mode. The detection of whether a customer matches the filter is based on the downloaded customer data on the device.
  • When configuring the field group, several saved searches can be selected at the same time. The dynamic field group is displayed if the customer is at least part of one of the selected searches.
  • Saved searches that are used for field groups cannot be deleted or renamed. Therefore, choose the name carefully. However, it is possible to change the filter criteria of the saved search at any time by overwriting them.
  • If you create mandatory fields in dynamic field groups, users only need to fill these fields if the dynamic field group is actually displayed.
  • Dynamic field groups are always displayed in reports without customer reference.

Call interval can be changed directly in call report

Do you often change the call interval after a customer call to reschedule the days until the next call? Then you will benefit from the following innovation.

In the Options under Reporting, set “Call interval” to “Customizable in the call report”.

When entering new call reports, you can then edit the customer’s call interval in the “Next call” section.

Note that the change to the call interval is permanently stored in the customer’s scheduling parameters until you change the interval again – for example, on the next call. The change in the call report is thus equivalent to editing the customer’s scheduling parameters parameters.

Bear in mind:

  • For company accounts, this function may be restricted by the administrator. This is the case when users do not have the permission to change customers’ scheduling parameters or do not have the permission to change reporting settings.
  • As an administrator, you can customize the organization default for above reporting settings in the organization-wide options.
  • The call interval can be changed only in reports that update the customer’s last call date when they are created – i.e. “Call” and “By phone instead of in person”.

View full report text in report list and customer list

If you view the report list or customer list on a device with a larger screen (such as a tablet or PC), you will see the report text in the right column — but no more than two lines up.

If you would like to see the complete report text, then go to the Options. In the Program settings, switch “Customer list” or “Report list” to “Entire report” or “Entire report (compact)”.


  • In compact display, line breaks are removed.
  • Users can change this program setting individually for themselves.

Opening schedule trips in the map

Trips in the schedule are now clickable.

Clicking on them will take you to the map view of the relevant schedule day, where the corresponding trip is highlighted.

Tip: To factor the current traffic situation into the proposed trip, click the “Current traffic” button in the upper right corner.


Managing saved searches

Previously, saved searches could be created and deleted. As of this update, there are extensive possibilities for managing searches.

To overwrite an existing saved search, first run the new search (e.g. using extended search), then go to the menu of saved searches and click the Save icon to the right of the search you wish to overwrite.

Clicking on Manage Searches opens the following window:

The customization options are as follows:

  • To show/hide predefined searches, use the check boxes.
  • To rename saved searches, change their names in the input field.
  • To change the order of saved searches, use the up/down arrows.
  • To delete a saved search, use the recycle bin icon.

As an administrator, you also have the same options for company-wide saved searches. To do this, click on “Manage searches company-wide.”

Global reports list and search

This update is intended for administrators and supervisors.

When you open the “Reports” main menu in the workspace of the company or a user group, the reports from the corresponding user accounts are loaded and displayed in a common list.

The features you are already familiar with from the user workspace, e.g. quick search, extended search, or saved searches, are available for searching or filtering reports.

Note: The reports list displays up to the first 3,000 entries. If the required reports do not appear in the list, use the search or sort function as necessary.

Reports cannot be opened or edited directly in the global reports list. However, by using the context menu of a row, you can quickly access the relevant user’s workspace.

Selection mode and mass deletion of reports

Like the customer list, the reports list has a selection mode and a mass deletion feature. You can find these by scrolling to the end of the list.

In company accounts users only see these features if they have “mass data deletion” permissions.

Example of use: To delete old reports, run an extended search, e.g. “Start before 1.1.2020,” then spot-check the reports list to confirm whether the filtering is correct, and whether you really wish to delete these reports. If so, below the list, click “Delete all X.”

Warning: Proceed with caution when mass deleting reports. Unlike customers, reports are permanently deleted rather than moved to the recycle bin. Tip: Export reports before deleting them in portatour®.

New Maps April 2022

Today we have updated the map data and traffic flow data on our servers.

Changes in the road network and driving speeds may affect driving times between customers, so we recalculated them for you in portatour®. Some users might notice the change when updating the schedule next time.

In addition, when displaying maps in portatour®, the loading times might take a little longer since the map details need to be downloaded to your device again.