About us/Imprint

portatour® is a product by

impactit GmbH
Vienna Twin Tower
Wienerbergstraße 11/B14
1100 Wien
Driving directions

Telephone +43 1 2531516
Fax +43 1 2531516-9
E-Mail: moc.ruotatrop@eciffo

CEO: Matthias Grünberger, Ivan Bagaric
Commercial court: Handelsgericht Wien
Commercial registration number: FN 301973d
VAT: ATU63814144
Registering authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des X. Bezirkes
Industry: Services in information technology,
Object of the business: Creation and distribution of Software & Hardware

Member of Solvares Group

Bank: Raiffeisenbank Grein
IBAN: AT953406800000305805

Legal notes

We expressly inform you that we have no influence on the design and the content made by external internet offers, to which we refer in a link. Consequently we cannot accept liability for the contents provided therein nor vouch for their currency.

All pages are our copyright and must not be copied and not be used in other offerings. Exceptions only by written approval by impactit GmbH.

Despite careful research, no responsibility is taken for the accuracy of the information on this website. Errors and omissions excepted.

License Terms for the use of portatour®



Vienna Twin Tower

Driving directions

By public transport

  • Subway U6
    • U6 to station "Bahnhof Meidling"
    • continue with shuttle-bus 7B or bus 15A
  • Subway U1
    • U1 to station "Reumannplatz"
    • continue with bus 7A or 65A
    • or with tram 67 to "Altes Landgut" and then bus 15A
  • Subway U3
    • U3 to station "Enkplatz"
    • continue with bus 15A

Directions by car

  • Autobahn A23 to exit "Triester Straße"
  • Continue towards city center
  • Take a left after the BP-petrol station

Inside the building

  • Parking in the "P Twin Towers" parking garage
  • Take the elevator or escalator to the 1st floor
  • Register at the Welcome Desk of the MyHive Business Center (Twin Tower, Business Park Vienna)
  • Take the elevator in Tower B to the 14th floor