Frequently asked questions

Find the answer to your question

How much do I save with portatour®? How soon does it pay off?

Will portatour® record the routes I drive?

Can I use portatour® with Salesforce, Dynamics CRM or other CRM/ERP systems?

Can I integrate the portatour® route planning algorithm into my own field rep app?

Somebody calls and wants to have an appointment – how does portatour® react?

Can portatour® help me avoid traffic jams?

Does the portatour® route planner help me win new leads?

Is there an offline version of portatour®?

For which industries is route planning suitable?

How do I get help and support for portatour®?

Which use cases is portatour® suitable for?

I'd like to get a demonstration of portatour®.

Can I try portatour® without obligation or cost?

Is portatour® for centralized or decentralized route planning?

Can I use portatour® for districting or geo-marketing?

Can I buy a perpetual portatour® license?

How secure is portatour®?

Is portatour® compliant with GDPR?

Is the route planner portatour® available 24/7?

Where is the login? How do I get my access link?

Is portatour® the best route planning software for me?

Any open questions? Get a free trial license and we are happy to help!

Full version. No credit card required. Automatic termination.

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