Tempus fugit – Time flies and it doesn’t care about humans and their tasks. As a sales manager you are responsible for the success and the well-being of your field staff.
If you are about to be planning a territory optimization, some days should be twice as long. portatour® Territory Optimization can’t double your hours, but it gives you the possibility to use your given time as well as possible.
Territory Optimization can be done quickly
portatour® Territory Optimization is your practical helper, when it comes to optimizing your territory planning and it even saves you a lot of time. The optimization of your sales territory, that used to take many hours, is done by portatour® Territory Optimization in the blink of an eye – anytime and anywhere.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking to optimize the division of an existing territory, adjust for the addition or departure of a field sales representative, or ensure a fair distribution of customers among your employees. With portatour® Territory Optimization you have a tool at hand, that does all the time-consuming work for you.
Prompt territory planning
It takes portatour® Territory Optimization less than a minute to import and geocode thousands of new addresses. If you have ever done a travel time analysis for your field staff before, you know how much time that process usually takes. portatour® Territory Optimization can analyze e.g. 50 territories with a total of 20.000 customers in about a minute. The optimization of those 50 territories takes other providers often an hour or more. Without automated processes it might even take days.
With portatour® Territory Optimization you plan and optimize your sales territories in just a few minutes. So, while your competitors are still waiting for results, your field staff is already on the road and doing business with your customers. And now lean back, start your stopwatch and see for yourself, how portatour® Territory Optimization will change your field sales experience for good with our free demo.