Being a sales rep in the field visiting customers, you know the situation: there are places without mobile internet access. Still we want you to be able to access portatour® everywhere. That’s why we offer an offline-mode.
Work through your route offline
All data necessary for your daily work in outside sales are downloaded as an offline copy on your device:
- Your current route, including addresses;
- your arranged appointments;
- all the details about customers on your route, for example contact person, telephone number and the last call report.
Access your information anytime and work independently regardless of whether you have an internet connection. The portatour® route-planner shows you even offline how your route continues:
You can even enter call reports offline
Do you want to write down important notes right after a customer visit? Lack of an internet connection won’t stop you anymore. Just enter the call report offline. You don’t have to wait until it’s late in the evening to enter a call report – instead, write the report offline and your mind is free to focus on the next customer. Once you are back online with portatour®, your call reports are automatically uploaded.
Quick and easy – no installation or app required
The offline-mode is available out-of-the-box when using portatour® Anywhere in your web-browser. It works on your notebook, tablet, and smartphone. You do not have to install an app or complex synchronization software. Data needed for the offline-mode is automatically downloaded in the background while you are working with portatour® online. You don’t need to do anything. Once the internet connection is lost, you continue working in offline-mode (*).
portatour® gives you the freedom to boldly go to customers where even the internet has not gone before!
(*) Note to users: The offline-mode is not activated by default. You only need to activate it once in the Options by clicking Program Settings and the enabling Refresh offline data option.